December 31, 2024: Hussman Strategic Market Cycle Fund paid an income distribution of $0.1645 per share. Hussman Strategic Total Return Fund paid an income distribution of $0.0847 per share. Hussman Strategic Allocation Fund paid an income distribution of $0.0524 per share.
November 1, 2024: Pursuant to the recently finalized SEC "names rule" for mutual funds, we have adopted a new fund name - Strategic Market Cycle Fund - for HSGFX. Based on SEC guidance, “the primary types of names that the amended rule is anticipated to cover include fund names with terms such as ‘growth’ or ‘value’ or certain terms that reference a thematic investment focus, including terms indicating that the fund’s investment decisions incorporate one or more ESG factors.” The new name, Strategic Market Cycle, remains consistent with our value-conscious, historically-informed, full-cycle investment discipline, and we believe it will help investors to distinguish the Fund's objective from purely passive, index-tracking funds.
August 29, 2024: The Hussman Funds June 2024 Annual Report is now available online. Reports and Prospectuses for each of the Hussman Funds can be accessed from The Funds menu tab under Prospectus & Reports.